Sunday, March 7, 2010

Much ado about Nothing.

Sitting here watching the Oscar's show and thinking about:

  • Hoping Avatar wins for Best Picture. Stopped by Hollywood Video this weekends, but Hurt Locker was all checked out. Heard it was good.
  • 20 miler through the hills of Shelby Bottoms greenway from the Wave Pool to the Dam and back. Some steep hills and nice elevation changes. Finished at a good pace, that I think I can keep up with for the Marathon, especially since this weekend's hills were much bigger than CMM.
  •  Steve Martin is still funny. Good joke about being a poor black man in his first movie too (The Jerk).  
  • The hills have tore up my quads. I have a good bit of DOMS in them.
  •  Did not run any on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Was fighting a Sinus Infection and left my head swimming and pretty drained of energy. Did not run today as my muscles were sore, seems like a lot of time off. 
  • On course for 2,200 miles this year. Still don't know if that is sustainable.
  •  Watching a commercial for Apple's new iPad tablet computer. It looks cool. This is how most REAL computers will be in a few years. This early model is more like an over-sized iTouch.
  •  Tom King Half Marathon this weekend. Finish line is on the 50 yard line of the Tennessee Titans Football Stadium. They show you on the big screen coming across. Sounds fun, I hope it is a nice day. It will be a good tune up for CMM and we will see where my fitness is at.


  1. Seems like perfect timing for you Tom King Half. I can't remember if you had set any time goals for your CMM, but the half should give you a pretty good idea of where you're at. Still liking the Pfitz plan?

  2. Jesse - I've been all over the place with the plan. I've missed several of the longer, mid-week runs, because of time restrictions during the day. He calles for some 12 to 14 milers on Tuesday and/or Thursday, which I just cannot seem to fit in my schedule.

    Overall, I've kinda used the plan to spring board more consistent running on my part. Until last week, I had not missed very many days this whole year. If I can't hit 1:40-1:44 this weekend, it's all in my mind, because my training suggests I should be in this area.

    But we all know that will-power is part of the equation.


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