Monday, February 1, 2010


Seriously, what were you thinking?? 

Week 12 ended with a little bit of a dud. I had a 21 day running streak going into Friday's snow/ice storm, my longest such streak of my short running "career". Actually, my body was quite ready for a break. During the 21 days, I have felt as strong and as weak as at anytime in my training. I also accomplished my largest monthly running volume to date - 181.45 miles. I was within reach of 200 miles for January had I gotten the Saturday long run in. It was only a 12 miler, but the missed 6 miler on Friday would have put it pretty close. No matter, the streak of 2 missed days was helpful, and revived my legs, even if only slightly.

Week 11 brings me to the 2nd "cycle" of the 18/55 Pfitzinger Marathon plan. The next 5 week cycle are the largest volume of training I will take on. I am not following it verbatim, and plan on substituting a lot of trail running during this cycle.

We have several great running groups in Middle Tennessee. The Nashville Striders and East Nasty Running group/gang have marathon and 1/2 marathon training group runs which I am planning on taking advantage of. I've, up to this point, been a "loner" when training. So training with the larger groups will be a new, but exciting aspect of this training period.

Today the snow is starting to melt, and I put on the trail shoes and got in a good, sloppy, slushy, wet 6 miles during my lunch break. I felt just like a kid running through the slush.


  1. Great post!! I feel like such a slacker! Keep up the great training!

  2. 21 day running streak? You're a better man than I! Sounds like training is going well for you.

  3. nice job with the streak! hope you've been able to resume training since the forced break.

    i like running in snow... but the slushiness sure makes it hard.


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